If you love glitchy dated graphics, Shoddy AI, and numerous bugs and connection issues, well then get this game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
This game is really a joke from start to finish.

Is it terrible? No, its not terrible. But, considering that this is the "most popular game ever" and got a 9.0 rating insults my intelligence.

Ill make this short and to the point:

The single player: Awful.
The story makes no sense and is really confusing. Everything happens so fast that there might as well not even be a story. "Ok you're over here. then you're over there. Then you meet some guy and meet another guy and now your back at this place and now your with the president."
Like seriously, the whole game i had no idea what was going on. Was the storyboard written by a 9 year old?

The AI doesn't work. its broken. They all go in random directions and you have no idea whose shooting you from what direction. The entire experience is just "go kill these dudes" then BAM michael bay explosions. You really have no idea whats going on, and it really doesn't matter. The game ends so quickly you would still have some pop corn left over. Because, lets face it, this isn't a game. This is a B-rated action movie done in 3D.

The multiplayer: If you like competitive skill based gameplay, well throw that all away. Auto-arm recoil-less rifle spam is this entire game. Add to that the "incentive" of camping objectives. Followed by auto-kill helicopters and random bombs that fall from the sky. RC cars... like seriously? How is that in any way cool? I didn't know i was playing Home Alone 3. I thought i bought Call of Duty. The entire multiplayer experience takes everything that was bad about Modern Warfare 2, and makes it 10x worse. On top of that, the game is so glitchy and buggy. You'll get killed through walls constantly. Randomly die from explosions that are across the map from you. Random disconnects. Games take forever to find(i'm talking like 5 minutes just to JOIN a game. Then, if the host leaves its another 5 minutes re-syncing.)

In all honesty, if this game was released by some unknown firm getting their name out i wouldn't give it such a harsh review. But we are talking a money churning series that has consistently gotten worse. I loved Modern Warfare 1, that game was amazing. I have no idea what happened to Call of Duty and at this pace the game is dead to me. With all the money they make you'd think they would make the game better, but this is not the case. All that extra money went into advertising and paying top Executives.

This game is worth at best $20. Save your money and buy any other shooter, theres plenty around.