Yet another Call Of Duty game with the similar online experience and another story which is not bad but is getting old

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
We all know every game in this franchise from now on will sell like crazy and will keep topping the bar of records performed by sales but it doesn't mean that the games are getting any better. So I will start off with the single player yes it is different in alot of ways and a has an interesting storyline which is based during the cold war in the 1960s and also involves real people from that time like President John F Kennedy which makes it feel more like a factual story more than fiction. So you play a Operative call Alex Mason who is voiced by Sam Worthington (yes the guy who plays Jake in the Avator movie and starts in other films like Clash Of The Titans and Termaintor Salvation)which he does a good job of and so the game starts off without spoiling anything with Alex strapped in a chair with all medical equipment around him and TV screens being questioned by an unknown figure which sets off flashbacks of his life leading up to that moment. Thats all I will say about that the only other thing I would say is that it has a decent twist near the end which is unexpectable to most which fans should enjoy. The Gameplay is more or less the same as previous CODs just with different guns and locations such as the War in Vietnam. I would give the story a 8.5/10
Moving on to the main reason that most buy the game for and of course is the last appealing is Mutliplayer. Yes it quite addicting as the others and is fun but there are alot of problems concerning online which needs patching up by the developers. Firstly the party system where you invite friends together to play needs improving. Even thought some are not having problems connecting to their friends partys some are which is really frustrating as its nice to be on the same team with your m8s and use tactics and have a chat over the headset. plus most of the time the game loses connection when in a game or just basically freezes when the map is loading which is annoying turning the console off and back on and then loading the game back up which is also slow often and can be laggy. Besides all problems with the connection the games themsleves are good. Alot of the perks have been changed about and there is now no Stopping power perk and all guns and weapons have their own power which is good but sometimes makes it feel like your shooting someone for ages but never end up killing them which can be annoying. New additions to the online include a currency system where you get COD Points or money if you like which you then use to buy new Guns, Perks,Killstreak awards and equipment in general or just new titles or custimize your charcter by adding face camo. While the currency is good in some ways so people at first will need to choose wisely when buying gear since they will need to stick with that for a bit, it gets easier over time to the point where your rich in points so can buy anything so it feels like a pointless use. Yes you need to level up first in order to buy some guns but its still feels easier in that since. New gamemodes include Wager Matches and thats it which again they are not necessary a bad thing it basically involved 3 or 4 or perhaps a few more gamemodes where players gamble their COD Points or money and the winner gets the most and 2nd and 3rd place get each a little place while the rest lose the points they gambled but the reason for it being bad is again you dont really need to be gambling ur points since you got too many anyway from normal games so the only reason these games feel good is that their different playing wise e.g one involved each player having one pistol with one bullet and just 3 lives each and if you shoot a player its an instant kill however if you miss then you'll have to knife them this continues until all players are dead with one winner and second and third place getting some COD Points. Ive done only 3 wager games and would preffer just sticking to normal games like Free for all and Sabotage. New Killstreaks on the other hand include a remote control car with a bomb strapped to it where players can control its around the map and detonate it by enemy players to get 1 kill or more if your lucky. As for the rest their basically alot similar to the previous games but the highest the killsteaks go is up to 11 unlike Modern Warfares 2 25 which gave you a nuke to end the game instantly. There are a few other things but you can find them out while playing it for yourselfs the last point I will say is that the maps while their good most are not good for sniping which is a shame.
I give online 9/10 it would have been higher if the connection and stuff was better but it is again quite addictive
Last but not least a treat for you who owned World At War which makes a return yes im talking about Zombies. While people like myself who bought the Harderned edition or Prestige edition got the old zombie maps from World At War including the DLC ones as well as the ones on this game which is nice other players just get 2 new maps one which one is based again from World At War and has the same 4 characters and has you fighting against the neverending horde of Nazi Zombies which is fun and has all the 4 perk machines from the old game and the Pack a puch machine, new things include all the new weapons from the Black Ops game and 2 guns exclusive to Zombies the one on this map is a Gravity sort of gun which basically blow zombies into pieces by like a force push the other is on the map which you unlock after completing the campaign which is an ice gun (you get the picture of what it does right?) the characters you play are again really funny when yelling random crap basically when blowing the **** out of the zombies sets the game off more and there is a secret song on both maps again which can be activated by clicking on certain objects. The second map is based in the time of this game where players are in the Pentagon and play as another 4 characters in total the main which is of course Jon F Kennedy who is really funny and this cuban leader which i hear is also quite funny. I leave you to play and enjoy this mode yourselfs but the mode is a nice addition to add to the game which will keep people coming back for not just multiplayer competitve.
I will give Zombies 8.5/10 as its fun but just more of what people has had from World At War
So if your an FPS fan or love war games then you will love this game which will take possibly even months off your life when trying to get to 15th prestige online (damn it just keeps getting longer doesnt it?)

My Final Verdict is 8.5/10 but if the online problems get fixed then it would have been a 9/10 im guessing everyone in the world who has a PS3, 360 or PC has got the game game anyway lol