Once Again Call Of Duty, you've done it again. Then again you've also NOT done it again.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Where do I begin. Well I guess I give you what you want to know. Summary at bottom if you don't want to read my boring poo poo.

Bottom paragraph is how to unlock Dead Ops and zombie map "Five" where you hilariously play as Bill Clinton.

Ok in this game there are three different types of game to play. Each category has sub categories and I will explain them to you.

1: Single Player Campaign
Please note I have not finished it yet. Ok the single player campaign i'm not gonna tell you anything about. Why would I? Just know it's a good fun, but it seems not as high quality and expensive as Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2.
A: Difficulties
~Recruit: Easy but still not a cake walk
~Regular: Usually the most fun for me. Feels not too challenging while having to play against good AI
Hardened: Hard. Ouchy
Veteran: Just plain ridiculous. For me.
A1 (Steak Sauce): You can move down difficulties. So if you want to play on veteran, you can move down if it's too hard.

2: Multiplayer
Ahhh... multiplayer. What you will spend 200 hours on and waste you life playing. Well let me tell you it's a lot of fun. But sadly there are glitches and let us call them "D-baggeries" and "annoying children with a colorful vocabulary"

It's got annoyances, yes that's true. No patches have been released yet as far as I know so whatevs. Bullets lag and don't even hit sometimes when they should. (That or I suck.... which I kind of do). And also spawning is bad. Imagine spawning then dying again without a chance in under a second. Yeah pretty much. Also n00b- tubahs. Haven't seen too much here but you know eventually they probably will come out come christmas time. (11 year olds).

Bah humbug.

Ok yeah yeah its got glitchy but what you also get is a incredibly customizable, incredibly addictive multiplayer experience! Come on you can attach a flamethrower to a m16 or ak-47!! It's really something you have to play to enjoy to the fullest. It's great really. You'll be so sucked into the match you won't be too annoyed.

Ok wow. let's end the intro to multiplayer. :P

A: Xbox Live Matches
A1: Player Match
This is pretty much the best part. You go into the different categories. Big games, little games, objectives, all by yourself, hardcore, and many others. I mostly play ground war. More to kill. It's 9 vs 9 in domination and team death match. You get to customize your gun camo, attachments, guns, sidearms, perks, killstreaks, contracts, It's all amazingly fun. Just fantastic. Level up to 50 and you can "prestige" or start all over again. But you get an extra create a class.
A2: Wager Match
This is a collection of different game modes. I'll put them into MORE categories. :lol:
A2Sub1: One In the Chamber
You get a pistol. One bullet is one kill. Knife to kill and keep the one bullet and gain one. Lose all your bullets, and well that's when it gets interesting.
A2Sub2: Sticks and Stones
These will break your bones, and your skull. You get a crossbow with exploding arrows, Ballistic knife that shoots knives, and a throwing axe called a tomohawk. Highest score wins, pretty easy right? Not so fast. Tomohawk kills reset your entire score. Scared? Don't be. It's fun.
A2Sub3: Gun Game
Kill someone and your gun upgrades. First one to get the 20th gun kill wins. If you get knifed you go back one gun.

Ok wow. A last word on wager match. Remember your horrible vacation in vegas a couple years ago where you lost $3,000? It could repeat. You wager the money you win, but you could triple what you payed to get in!!
There are three modes. Ante Up don't worry about money, you pay 10 and can win 30. One kill in Team Deathmatch wins you 100 xp (not money) . But high roller... I heard but haven't played it yet, that you wager $10,000. Woah.

A3: Combat Training
Ok this mode is cool. You play against AI. It's fun for a while but I prefer multiplayer. Still a good relief when you are getting owned online. Level up seperately from regular multiplayer.

A4: Split Screen
Ok this is cool. Everything is already unlocked. You don't have to buy squat. Pretty awesome I'd say. Attachments, camo everything. Gold skin before prestige 14 here I come!

OH MY GOSH ZOMBIES!! Hahaha. It's alot of fun trust me. There are three different types. You can play online or offline. 2 are first person. The third is a top down arcade style game that can be easily unlocked with a cheat. Which, I'll tell you at the end!

Well that's about it. So if you read all that, I didn't waste my time, if you didn't well, I already know you didn't. I just was bored. And got done with a Black Ops marathon!!

SUMMARY: Alright this game is fun. $60 gets you more than you payed for. Multiplayer is glitchy but it's so fun who cares. Plus there's lots of modes. Zombies are here too! And a killer single player.

Verdict: I don't care if you are perfectly fine with MW2. GET IT. Even people who hated Modern Warfare 2 liked it!!

CHEAT CODE: Ahh... you've been waiting for this haven't you? Or did you just scroll to the bottom?
Anyways, here's how to do it. This works for ps3 or xbox. Don't know about wii. Probably not DS.

Step 1: At the main menu look down at your hands on the chair. Press RT LT RB LB around a bit. (For the equally awesome ps3 press R1 R2 L1 L2) eventually you will break free, Be patient. In the back of the room is a computer.
Step 2: Enter this code in the computer. (Don't forget the space!) 3ARC Unlock.
Step 3: Go to zombies and have some gory fun!

Well that's it! Enjoy!