This game is in my top 5.

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
I think that this is a very good game is in my top 5 cod titles is number 2 the number 1 is COD 4 and that game was almost perfect well back in BO the story is amazing this is one of the most solid stories I have seen in a COD game and is full of kick ass moments, the MP is great but it has its flaws but after the patches I have seen many improvements and it's very addicting ,more than MW2, coop mode OMG ZOMBIES!!! they are back and cooler than ever, they are pretty addicting to.
I'm sad because the campaign is very short, that is the only thing that I don't like about this game.
Many people have said that this game sucks because of the MP well let me tell you that you are a retard if you think that this game sucks. Yeah the game has its flaws but hey, the patches are out and I have seen many improvements with them, the lag issue is gone for me and now I can play with firends in matchmaking, the only thing that i concern about are campers and the respwan system, cuz it really sucks ass is like MW2 respwan system.
And please people don't say that this game sucks because of the graphics remember graphics doesn't make the game, gameplay does! so if you're saying that this game suck because of the graphics, then go and return the game or shove it in your ass, then there are the kids that say that it sucks because the snipers are broken, well yeah they are a little bad but not so terrible! I have seen people that are like almost killing themselves with the controller because they can't quick scope please get over it with it, same goes for noob tubes and overpowered killstreak fans if you want that then go play MW2.
For me COD 4 was the best, then there was WAW and it was very good and after that MW2 came out and I was like emm I think it's ok but then I realized that it was a big let down and now BO and I'm like wow this is a very good one.
This is for all MW2 fans that hates BO: if you want a game that only dumbasses and noobs play then get out of here and play MW2 there is where you belong with the dumbasses where overpowered killstreaks and noob tubes are everywhere. The thing that you people want is MW3 and BO is never going to be that. So if you say that BO is the COD let down for all of us, then my answer to that is no, the game that IS the real let down is MW2 and that is the absolute truth.
And stop saying that it feels like MW2 and that's why it sucks, please retards every COD game since 4 has felt the same! BO kickass and stop **** about it!
Well this is my review OMG text wall!!