This is an offline review, no online mode played, just offline with some of the friends. Don't fall into the hyp

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
*Note, this review is just a few hours played offline against some friends.
*Note, this review could be rated higher if i played online, but my Xbox live had ran out, so wasn't able to attempt online mode at all.

What can i say about the new call of duty?
A hyped up game that was designed for online completely? A game that they didn't give the offline players a chance to enjoy?

Myself, i don't really play console games online, i just find them fustrating after a while, so i tend to advoid going online most of the time. I had played online with Cod 4.2 (Modern Warefare 2), and the experience of that game doesn't change much from offline to online. The only difference is that your not sharing a screen with someone.

With the new addition to the Call of Duty name, with Black Ops, i picked up a copy yesterday, to suprize my younger brother who is a massive fan of the Cod brand. I decided to give my brother a few matches, and then play some Zombie mode on the game.

As soon as playing the game for about 40mins against my brother and his friend, i was realizing some really bad points to the game, i'll list them out.

*Offline mode, doesn't give out XP, nor does it reward you with new weapons, or upgrades. Every weapon, and perk is already unlocked for you.

*In offline matches your unable to change any rules to the match, no removing the 10min time limit, no giving raders, or 3rd person mode for offline gamers.

*Zombie mode, on the case it says play this mode with upto 4 players
"4-Player Co-Op Zombies" From what i saw, this mode was only able to play 2 people on one console offline. I'm assuming the quote means online only. Which if i recall that Cod WAW was able to do this, so poor advertising.

I got to admit, with just these 3 bad points, the game had fallen out of my interest within an hour or two of playing. I wouldn't mind trying the game online, but i honestly don't see the point in keeping a game for Xbox live, when i know myself wont play much.
I'll be sticking with Modern Warfare2, for offline gaming fun.