This was not all that great and it was boring.
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Treyarch
platform: X-box 360
Rated: Mature
The visuals for Call of Duty: Black Ops are well in short for the campaign were good in the beginning then it started to look like Call of Duty: World at War but slightly updated but they still looked ok cause I have seen better graphics this year, but I didn't like when the game got hectic or even when it didn't the game froze or had a lot of frame rate issues which was really frustrating for me and if it only happened once or twice I'm ok with that but every time I'm trying to progress through a mission and the frame rate had trouble keeping up with the game, oh yeah and their was a point where I think it was on the prison escape mission and before I ran in to the armory to grab the mini-gun I literally sat behind a desk and watched the never ending supply of enemies literally coming right out of a wall for a good minute and a half which I then realized where this game was headed after seeing visually with these kind of hic-ups which does make it a big problem for game of this caliber. Now I'll talk about the visuals for the Multi-player for COD: Black ops well how can put this than it is basically Modern Warfare 2's visuals on the Multiplayer aspect which might be a good thing in some ways they should've made some change's cause the HUD was was exactly the same as one another and the menu's for the on-line screen was a mix between COD 4: MW and MW 2 so basically it was built on the same MP engine which they should've done some thing's a little different.
The Sound for Call of Duty: Black Ops well was all that impressive cause some of the weapons sounded like cap guns or even rapid fire cap guns which comparing this game's s/fx for the guns and explosion's to other game's like that have come out this past year like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Medal of Honor where the gun's in those game's sounded exactly like their real life counter parts which for me was a disappointment for me in this game. But the voice acting in this game was not bad it was good but not great even though Ed Harris a Oscar winning Actor, Gary Oldman known for is role's in (Batman: Begins, and The Dark Knight and a lot more sci-fi movies and some game's in the past) and the character Bowman was voiced by Ice Cube well it sounded like him but with all that talent doing the voice's it still wasn't enough for to stay intrigued with the story, but I did like some of the music that was portrayed in this game it was a damn shame they couldn't get some Jimmy Hendrix in the game that would've been awesome if they had a couple of his tune's in this game. Now let me talk about the MP's audio of this game well their wasn't much of different's but it wasn't that impressive cause again some gun's sounded like cap gun's or rapid fire cap gun's which was a joke to me.
well the game-play for this game didn't have much different's from the last in the few COD games well for the controls which is a good thing for new gamer's so they can just pick up and play and it won't take long to master the controls. I found that this installment in the franchise's Campaign was easy and I played the game right through on veteran cause and I will compare Halo's Legendary more of a challenge than any of the cod game's that I have played on veteran but I haven't played WAW's veteran which I have heard rumors that it is very hard cause the AI just keep's throwing grenade's but enough about that came cause I'm reviewing this one but yeah I find that Call of Duty's veteran is a complete joke since I beat the game on veteran and it took me about 10 hours or so to beat rather than 6 to 7 hours on regular and I did not like the fact that the never ending supply of enemies just kept coming out of no where or even just came out of a wall that did not have a door way or a corridor which got very repetitive and the whole story for the campaign was just bad it felt like they tried to copy the AC series to find out the origin's and meaning of specific number's which was a complete bad idea for a plat for a game like this for the campaign could've used a bit more polishing up. Now I'll talk about the on-line which I wasn't all that impressed with and I didn't like the combat training mode which was simuler to other game's like ET: Quake wars they had bots in that game and you can play against untell some play jumped in and that bot system was used in Section 8, hacking your enemies turrets was a system done in the Bioshock series and that dumb r/c car what a complete rip-off from frontline's: fuel of war and it so dumb as well, their is another feature which I did like even though it was used in a couple of other games was wager match's I did enjoy that and I really liked the mode sharpshooter where that was a mode that took some skill at cause you never know what weapon you will get next and that was fun I didn't mind it and the theatre mode is a complete rip-off from the Halo 3 and reach. Now for the last feature for this game which is zombie mode and to be honest I did not have with it I found that the gun's were under powered espically when I aimed for the head and they didn't drop what joke and if this is how zombie mode is in WAW I'm glad I didn't try it when I had it but I really hope it is better in WAW cause it really sucked and the only good thing about the feature is you can play it co-op which their isn't any co-op feature in the campaign at all which sucked unless I missed it in the main menu.
My overall point is if you are a fan of this series than this game is for you but for me I'm glad I rented it and I think this game is a rent before you buy but that is just my opinion especially if you only want to play this game for the story cause it is very short than just rent it cause you will beat this game fast. I think the publisher should really release a game for this series every 3 years instead of every year cause this game had a lot of problem's in the campaign and I forgot to put this in my game-play part but I'll put here the on-line was laggy and I have a very good conection like don't get me wrong it took about three match's for the lag to kick in and it ruined the game for me and I was done with it so the on-line problems from MW 2 are in here but once again I recommend that you or who ever rent this game before you buy it cause it's just like MW2 where that one was basically an expansion pack to COD 4, Black-ops feels like an expansion pack as well but this is just my opinion on Call of Duty: Black-ops and that's what it felt like to me.