Bug multiplayer, no brain to kill, no aim to shoot.

User Rating: 4.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
This game can't be called Call of Duty, campaign unplaybe because of bugs and graphics glitches. Multiplayer is the worst, lag and lag, unbalanced weapons ( A machine gun bullet is much bigger than a smg bullet, but ins this game the light machine guns have less damage), u don't even have to aim to kill, just spray your way arround... There's no way to have fun in this, don't buy it, really, continue playing Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2. This game should be called "Call of Duty: Bug Ops". I'm in the first pretige, had my moments of fun but they are nothing compared to the disapointing multiplayer gameplay and the frustrating lag. Pc version is very bad, and they have to fix that, but I'm affraid they won't, if u really want to buy this wait a fix for all this s***. If u want to play a tatical shooter that player will be rewarded for using brain and aiming right, this is not a game for you.