For me, the best to date.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
First off, let me say for those who haven't played the game. Please don't listen to the hundreds of negative reviews that have been written for this game. Most of these were written by Halo or Battlefield fanboys who refuse to acknowledge this game's value. Comparing this game with either of those is an insult to the franchise as a whole and should be avoided.

That being said COD:Black Ops is an absolutely stellar game in every aspect and this is coming from not from a fanboy but simply from a gamer who enjoys decent games. The multiplayer is incredible as usual and the single player campaign is entertaining, if on a smaller scale than MW2.

Graphics- It's built on the same engine as MW2 and it looks about the same, which is incredible given the age of the engine. The environment is detailed and the textures are solid. It's really more of the same graphics wise no better or worse.

Gameplay- A step up from MW2 really. In multiplayer, many of the noobish elements of the game have been removed such as quick scoping a major problem in the last game. Camping is still a part of the game but it really can't be helped. With every first person shooter that is released, you will always, ALWAYS have the losers who can't play the game as intended and have to resort to cheap tactics in order to score kills. One thing I'm really happy about in this game is the lack of the nuke killstreak.
Yes, it feels incredible to call in a nuke and end the game no matter what game mode or if the other team happened to be winning. But at the same it became a ace in the hole, complete team deathmatch or capture the flag blowouts were ended in the opposing teams favor simply because someone managed (most likely by caming) to garner 25 kills without dying. The lack of it balances the game out majorly.
Another major difference in this game is the new COD points system where instead of gaining a certain amount of XP to attain weapons and perks you can buy them with your COD points gained in the same fashion as XP. This system works great for perks, attachments, camo, emblems (which you can now create which is awesome) and reticles (which is truly awesome once you unlock them) but for weapons you must unlock and THEN buy them which is somewhat counterproductive. Shouldn't you just receive the weapon in the first place?
One great addition to the multiplayer is the addition of the training mode in which you take on enemies of a difficulty you select in whatever map you choose. You can fight with or without friends and it is built identically to the standard mulitplayer system. My only complaint is that you MUST be online in order to use this which is not the large of deal but kind of sucks.
Don't really care about zombies that much. Didn't play it in WoW soooo......

Overall- I know I didn't mention the campaign and as amazing as it is, it really isn't the main focus of this game and really didn't need much coverage. The game as a whole is an incredible piece of work, Treyarch really outdid themselves with this game. Multiplayer is the best this year truly.

All I can say is GET IT. (Before Christmas preferably. I say this because most of the douches get this game for Christmas and after Christmas the online world of COD will be plauged with this douchebags.

Rocka156 out!