A lot of mixed emotions...
I actually did like this story! As almost all of the campaigns, trying them on veteran is a nice rush. Although I am actually not that impressed with visuals on this one. Its like they feared it would be too much for our systems to handle! HA! Or maybe they just plain SUCK! NOTE** "I really hope Activision allows Infinity Ward to stay in next years series. Rumor is they are not, because of some unpaid royalty fees." Anyway, the campaign is fun! The only part that really bothers me is the part with you in the chair does seem to get old. The way it all pulls together is interesting though. So all-in-all I would say the campaign is worth $30.
So if the campaign is worth $30 in my opinion does the multiplayer qualify for the other $30 you pay for this game? HECK NO! I hate it! I have prestiged almost twice now and I am ready to go back to Modern Warfare 2 at least until November 2011. My biggest concern other than the horrible sounding weapons, the BS amount of shots it takes to kill someone in a CORE match, the ugly graphics, the running right through a claymore and doing nothing to an enemy "search bs cod in the community and watch my video to understand what I mean. Everything went wrong in this match.", MY BIGGEST CONCERN IS... THE HORRIFIC SERVER FAILURES!!!!!! Its not even worth trying for me anymore. My internet is blazing fast and this thing is ignorant! I am leading a match in hardcore free-for-all and BOOM! IT FAILS!! 20+ kills down the drain! Then it takes forever for it to even find another match. Its just horrible! BOO Activision for allowing this to be released!! AND Treyarch skills!!!
Who cares... add some more maps it could help this pointless game.