COD Blackops Not Exactly Modern Warfare type, But I Get The Point.

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
call of duty has improved very seriously over the years,this one how ever has a few unique features that will amaze anyone who plays it.this call of duty game has more of a story than, war scenes such as the ones in modern warfare 2,as the name implies its has involved around some kind of secret operation.

lets start with the graphics like always,it is good enough to see the graphics at that level,the graphics could have been more realistic than it is,but i guess it has to be sacrificed for more levels in the game.but as i said it is good enough, and that shows the developers could have achieved even better graphics if they intended to.the gameplay is just great, like always call of duty has one great gameplay that you wouldnt miss for the world,the sharpness and the realness of the shooting is surprisingly good,also i can talk about the amount of weapons that this game brings to you,there are genuinely a massive amounts of weapons involved in COD Blackops,which not just me but i know alot of people admire in here.the weapons have been created in high details and you can see the little numbers that have been printed on the metal and the little scratches,also the textures are seem to be showing a much more realistic side of the game.if you have played the game you have seen that some levels are not passable just buy shooting and killing enemies,because they keep on generating and will comeback at you again and again but you have to have some kind of strategy in order to deal with those levels.this kind of levels and gaming is somewhat new to COD,and im sure a lot of people will still have difficulty beating those levels for the first time.there are also a few downfalls in the game which i would like to mention here,first i wanted to mention that i dont know why, but the developers havent changed the feature that you can not shoot structures down or shoot and break walls or buildings,second is that we still see the smokes and the dust in really bad details and still doesnt look even close to real.the dynamics dont look as real for example the sunlight is just normal,nothing beautiful about it.we encounter rain, i think for the first time and it was just great ,felt real to me.another great feature is the amounts of levels that you will get to play.also lets not forget the 3d feature we can toggle on in the option,personally i havent got a 3d TV but to be able to play this game with the latest technology makes me happy and satisfies me as a consumer.

in the end we will for sure see more from COD series and CODseries sells alot of units when ever it releases,im glad to say i enjoyed playing CODBlackOps,thanks for your time.