Good if you're looking for an online multiplayer.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
Call of Duty Black ops is clearly a multiplayer based game with the single player aspect only clocking about 7-8hrs total game play. The single player story, while confusing and jumbled does come together to make for a decent ending. The graphics of Call of Duty Black Ops are superb, and the game play felt a little redundant and way too short. Over all it felt like "we've been there and done that" as far as military FPSs go. Also included in this title is a multiplayer with various modes and a Zombie shooter which did not appeal to me at all. In the Zombie mode, you play as Castro, Kennedy, Nixon or McNamara and must shoot your way out of the Pentagon which is now filled with zombies. Over all if you're looking for an online multiplayer addition to your gaming library with excellent graphics, this is the game for you just don't expect too much from a single player campaign.