How come this didn't get game of the year? =(
User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Let me just say one thing,I have never played a call of duty/modern warfare game.Yes this sounds crazy since i'm a kid but still i never found a reason to play the games.However my friends on Xbox Live have been begging me to play this and Halo Reach(which we will take a look at next time).So finally i gave in and decided two get both because I love Halo and i never played a call of duty/modern warfare game.And boy it was....AMAZING! First off there are three modes of play,Campaign,Online Multiplayer,and zombie.Campaign is the games story mode which i have not played yet but will evantually.Online Multiplayer is great.There is some new modes to get to top of the rank(good luck)and have fun with.You can also upload video's of you're good and bad streak.Zombie however is the worst one online for two reason's.One,when you are waiting to be healed you have to lay there and the game goes red with blood.Two,this mode is HARD.With some new modes and online gold,Call of Duty Black Opp's is game that newcomers and old fans will enjoy.(also there is a other mode of zombie called black opps arcade it is better). Also i have played the Campaign and so far from what i can tell it is pretty good.