Pretty much a lazy port from the 360 version, but provides a awesome campaign and sometimes fun online multiplayer
Good: Awesome campaign, Zombie mode is back, Online is sometimes fun, great playing with friends online, Co-op online
Bad: PS3 version migrates host's all the time, PS3 version doesn't get Add on content the same time as 360 version, PS3 version is lacking features that 360 version has, Maps promote camping, In-game invites don't work half the time, The server is always down on the PS3 version.
Here's my last words, If you have a 360, get Black ops for that, if you only have a PS3, I have 1 thing to say to you, get Bad company 2
UPDATE: I was pretty harsh about this game, but if treyarch fixes the connection problems, this game will be more playable and less of a pain to get online