Isn't that great.
The campaign is what you would expect from a COD game, Decent story but it's all trial and error. I for one don't mind that but it gets repetitive and boring until you move on. It basically boils down to "run in, die, and repeat.". With that kind of game play where you die twelve times and make very little progress gets very annoying very fast.
Nazi Zombies is good as usual, but it doesn't redeem this game for it's short comings especially since it's just a rehashed (and if you bought the collectors or whatever they called it edition the same as) from last time with very little improvement over the original. Also if I wanted the only game mode to be worth playing to be Nazi Zombies, I should have kept playing WAW because atleast that one has fun in it's other game modes.
The multiplayer is a joke really. It's the same as Modern Warfare 2 with some tweaks. Now don't get me wrong MW2's game play was decent. But the tweaks made make this game almost unbearable to me. Especially with spawn killing kill streaks and some mechanics like claymores feeling like a 50/50 chance of them actually working instead of being a death trap waiting to happen. The simple fact that due to the spawning system as well if you are smart enough you can trap your opponents by abusing this system and then spawn kill repeatedly, Thus making you able to call in the killstreaks that will spawn kill people repeatedly making it so that your opponents can't do anything. I feel that makes this game's multiplayer more than a little broken.
To make this game a little more bearable, The sounds and what music is in it are great. The graphics quality is great for a console shooter. The controls are also fluid and feel natural.
This game is more or less just a rehashed and rereleased COD game, I personally believe it's time to stop riding the horse that this game came in on and make some actual game changing changes instead of rehashing the game and then releasing it as "new". I personally will be renting the next COD game because I don't want to spend $60 on a used game.