Amazing & Thrilling Are Just Two Small Words To Describe This Epic Game.
The campaign is short, however for me and many others i believe it's better because considering how many times you'll have to go through it in order to get your trophies. The campaign is simply stunning, it offers a variety of of thrill from slow-motion kills to jumping of a mountain. The story within the campaign makes this even better by creating an intriguing atmosphere, making gamers want more until they know all.
I do enjoy the online multiplayer which has many extra feature since MW2, including the currency system, contracts and a theater where you can make and view gameplay. The biggest improvement however since MW2 would be the reduce levels to get to prestige making it easy for everyone to reach prestige. With this help i'm currently prestige 2 lvl40
Combat training is another thing that should be noted, it lets players along with heir friends or not play against artificial intelligence, which is super super awesome. I don't play much but my younger brothers love it, so it could be a great thing for young kids.
On a final note, the righteously greatest thing in call of duty black ops is ZOMBIES!!!. Zombies are by far the best thing that happen in cod since world war 2. The zombie dogs, scientist and great maps makes this game extremely amazing and making everyone want more. My current highest round in Kino Der Toten is 37, i just love zombies.
In all, this game is a must buy and purchased as soon as possible, it will make your day being the best cod game so far, looking forward to MW3 too though.