Interesting and addicting but needs work.
User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
I know this is embarassing but this is my first C.O.D game ever except fore one I rented for Gamcube back when I was like 12, the game is very solid. The campaign is really good and the muliplayer is really good as well. I can't put a full written out long review since I havn't ever had a game to compare this too. The goods: solid mulitplayer, like most games you get your a** whopped at first but after gaining ranks, guns, and experience that may turn around. A solid campaign that is addicting. And... ZOMBIES! lol I like Dead ops better then zombies but it's still fun. The bad: Almost EVERY day I get booted from 3-4 matches because of "internet/network interupption" which is bull. I do have a good internet source by the way. Another thing would be a few more attachments are needed as well as guns. One thing I think the next C.O.D game (which is probably Modernwarfare 3) is vehicles on muliplayer like Battlefield. Overall it is a good game but needs work especially online.