User Rating: 4.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
This game is an alright game, i have it and the only reason im not going to sell it is because of the zombies. If it didnt have any zombies i would have sold it already. This game has a very short story but very good graphics. I think that the game "call of duty: Modern warfare 2" is better then this game. You can play online with other players and there are alot of new guns and some are the same guns but with differrent names like the "thumper" in modern warfare 2, but now in blackops it's called "China Lake". My favorite map in multiplayer gameplay is "launch", It takes place like in some launch station to launch a shuttle into space, and my other favorite map is called "Nuketown", This map takes place in a small neighborhood that takes place in the desert and when the map ends a nuke goes off and destroys everything. The story has about 20 levels but there really short. Zombies is good in this game, there are two zombie maps: "kino de torton" and "five", You can get more by purchasing them in the playstation store or whereever you guys buy them in the xbox 360. In the main menu you are mason tied to the torture chair and if you wanna get out of the chair you have to tap L2 and R2 over and over again or if you have xbox you tap RT and LT over and over again! The most i have gotten in zombies is round 72 with three of my friends and by myself ive gone to round 25. I dont have that much to say about blackops because i didnt really like the game so bye.