Grab your marshmallows, pitch your tent, and light your campfire! No skill necessary.
This game is atrocious. Pre-pubescent children with no concept of strategy or skill are the customer base here, so I will admit: it is I WHO DOES NOT BELONG in this game. LACK OPS is the video game equivalent of Hungry Hungry Hippos, which was fun when I was a kid.
Campers, campers, campers, campers, and more campers. Spawn-killed with a grenade. Spawn-killed with a chopper. Spawn-killed with a noob-tube. Spawn-killed with a knife. Pump 10 bullets into someone's face and yet they still have the ability to stab you. Random grenades being hurled left and right.
Also, if you're going through the painful experience of ranking up and earning weapons, you'll have to endure using the weaker weapons while your enemies have the upper hand ten-fold with theirs. While ranking up I lost count of how many times I'd flank an opponent, pump 10 bullets into him before he got a chance to fire back, but with his gun and perks I stood no chance. This system makes sense, of course; people who get more experience and play more get rewarded. However due to the horrible spawn system and teeny tiny maps there's little room to do well at first (unless you started the game when it first came out and the playing field was level). There's no reward for a newbie who manages to out-maneuver and out-think his opponents. Therefore, again, no skill necessary.
Another little fun fact that I shall point out is the voting system. Every time "Nuketown" comes up, the overwhelming majority of players vote for it. Try playing 3 on 3 basketball in a powder room and you'll get the same experience. No skill. No strategy. Just luck, circumstance and the random outcome of chaos will determine the victor. And for some reason the people who play this game get satisfaction from this. It's the equivalent of getting a 14th place trophy....and evidently, this is what keeps children happy these days.
It's a shame to me, because this game is beautiful. The graphics, animations, all the weapons, customizations, theatrics and action are awesome. But all that amounts to jack squat when the gameplay is pure rubbish.
Obviously this game is a lot of fun for a lot of people. So bravo to you if you enjoy it. The producers are making a ton of money, and millions of customers (excuse me, their children) are very happy with it. So it's a win-win and I'm happy for all parties involved. I just prefer a game that requires a challenge, some skill, maps that are bigger than my coat closet, and not complete luck of the draw when I get spawned.
If you are an adult who prefers to earn a victory, avoid this game.