First Strike is a map pack worth checking out and is a great showcase of just what to expect in the next DLC.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike PS3
Call of Duty: Black Ops' first DLC pack is entitled, conveniently, "First Strike". As usual, this Call of Duty Map Pack consists of four new multiplayer maps, along with one new Zombie map for player to enjoy.
As the big ticket item, our new Zombie map is called "Ascension". You start out descending from the sky a flying pod, once you enter the building and start round one the screen turns from full color to black and white, the gimmick to this map is that you must turn on the power to turn on the full color aspect of the game, along with initiate the perk machines and flying pods. It all plays very similarly to the old maps but introduces lots of new fun features.

The first, obvious new addition is the black and white to color objective, once you turn on the power you can start activating the flying pods. I've only just began digging into the new zombie map and so far have discovered that not only is the map a lot more open and large in comparison to any other map, new zombies flood the halls, some wearing surgical masks and gas masks, others will even shuffle from left to right making you miss your well aimed shot.
Along side the newly introduced zombies we also have a handful of new perks and weapons, I've experienced one new weapon, much like the monkey grenades, however this one is a small doll that when thrown will release four grenades the blow up in the area you tossed the grenade. I've seen on new perk, its assumable that with a name involving stamina it will positively effect your stamina, most likely allowing you to run for longer distances. I know there is more to this map but I have yet to get the full experience. However, I am really enjoying it.

We have four new multiplayer maps as I've mentioned before, Discovery, Berlin Wall, Kowloon, and Stadium.

Discovery is a fairly large open snow map with quite a bit going on. There is a large gap in the middle of the level with spawn points on either side, on both far end of the map there are paths to get across the gap, with a bridge in the middle, underneath the bridge is a rock walkway, which can be destroyed using explosives, it's a nice gimmick that's interesting for your first play through but soon wears off as its in an area of the map that just not to many players use. This map reminded me a lot of the single player mission in Modern Warfare 2 where you scaled the rocky cliff with ice picks. Its nicely laid out with a few different choke points around the map and overall makes a much welcomed addition to our playlists.

Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall is, at its core.. The wall of Berlin, this map is quite possibly the map that will bring Sniping alive in Black Ops, it focuses heavy on its "gimmick" of in the middle of both sides of the map is essentially a dead zone, marked with a red shade on your map, if one enters sentry turrets will shoot down the player almost instantly. There are three paths that lead back and for between sides and on each side of the map is scattered different interesting and well detailed maps including record stores, bars and warehouses. On both sides there is one prominent building with windows overlooking the map, great spots for snipers. This is quite possibly one of the best, well thought out maps available for play in Black Ops.

Kowloon (Spelt right?)
Kowloon is strongly based off of the single player level, so much in fact that it almost feels like an exact replica, but that's not a bad thing. This map features tons of rooms, pathways, and different heights. This map is the only one of the four that never at one point has a specific choke point. Its very detailed and well thought out, the fluidity of the map feels very real and gives the feel that you really are running across rooftops in a tightly packed, overpopulated city. It's a masterpiece to say the least, not only that but spanning across the map in two different spots is the addition of a usable "zip line" where the player can attach themselves to and quickly move from one end of the map to another. Its hard to sum this map up in a few simple sentences and is very hard to describe, but you will like it.

Stadium is the only map, that to me felt out of place and lacking in any real detail, its as if Treyarch just needed to fill space. Its open, and a lot larger then it seems. It's a bright and colorful map, which makes it seem out of place as all of the others tend to be on the dark side. It reminded me heavily of a Modern Warfare 2 map that I just cant place my finger on at the moment, while its not all bad, its fun to play to an extent but its clear which maps hold up the map pack, it's a poorly integrated idea that seemed to fall short when standing with the other maps.

Overall, with the new zombie map and four new multiplayer maps, this "First Strike" DLC is very much worth the price tag its asking. Its very enjoyable, and if you're a fan of the game you wont want to miss out.