Just what the doctor ordered!

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops - First Strike PS3
COD fans really needed this map pack. Its got everything you need to keep the game fresh. (and I think we can all agree it was getting stale) So lets break this down...

4 new multiplayer maps...

Berlin Wall
Probably the best of the four as far as design. The "No-Mans Land" is something we have not seen. While some may say its a wasted area of the map, I believe its a nice refreshing touch. Although, it would be better if it only had the middle of the wall opened making it the only way to get through to the other side of the map. Other than that its a wonderful addition.

While a little bit frustrating to myself it is also a very well designed map. This will more than likely be the map that takes me the longest to figure out. So many different heights and buildings making it a little hard to pin-point someone even with a spy-plane. All-in-all its a very enjoyable experience and will definitely tone down on campers. :)

This one for the moment is my favorite map. While some may criticize this, I think its extreme amounts of fun! Can get some long range shots in and still can get up close and personal! This map is pretty good size and will be one that always gets my vote.

While kind of like a blown up in your face nuketown this map gives myself mixed emotions. I'm not sure if they put much effort into the making of this one. Everything seems tossed around and out of place, not my idea of "Stadium". I was hoping for maybe a huge baseball setup like the old Busch Stadium in St Louis. For those that have ever been I can definitely see some action in something like this. Snipers could shoot across from the top and have an all out war on the field. So try harder next time would you please Treyarch!!

...So its all a lot of nice additions when its all put together. I would think unless you are quite the expert good luck getting big kill streaks on any of these maps. I'm ready to get back to playing now! Great multiplayer maps worth the money for sure if you are looking to keep Black Ops smelling good!


WOW WOW WOW! This is a true map. This is what Zombies needed. This is what all us Zombie fans needed. It is a very VERY large map with lots of cool new attractions I guess you could call it. Team up with your buddies and play for hours. Have yet to figure out the perfect strategy but I know we will. Seems as if opening doors are endless, very generous on giving you powerups and such. I am hoping someday there will be a game dedicated to this and this only... just leave it to someone other than Treyarch or Activision. Nevertheless good job on this map. Characters are hilarious. Hours of awesomeness!!!

BUY FIRST STRIKE! LOVE FIRST STRIKE! Trade it in come November. J/K overall its really good and can not wait for second strike. I'm guessing in the Summer