Call of duty Black ops - what a game

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Call of Duty Black ops is quite a hard game to rate. For some it is simply amazing with no negatives. Some might just like it and some might think it is horrible. In my opinion, this game was amazing. The Nazi Zombies mode came back again, stronger than before. The campaign was fairly short but is filled with action, explosions and that urge that begs you to keep playing on and on that very few games can deliver.

Then there is the multiplayer. The multiplayer at first had disappointed me and i had gone back to other games for that experience. But than, i decided to give it another go and it had payed off! Playing the online mode gives you the oppunitty to play with around 600,000 other players, not to mention the variety of unique maps playable.

Now what you will really love about this game is the two new modes available. Being the theater and combat training. The theater allowing you to save/record/take screenshots you name it of your online memorable experiences. The combat training mode is basically your online, but your vsing bots of your friend.

This is a well put together game and in my opinion the best COD.