It's good until you realize just how bad it is.
User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
When I first got Call of Duty: Black Ops, I was fairly impressed. Solid campaign, zombies, and some ever-addictive multiplayer. But months later, I started noticing some unforgivable flaws. Let's start with campaign. The campaign is phenomenal! It was action-packed and epic. Whether it was shooting Castro in the face, or crashing through a window at 30,000 feet, this game delivers an action-packed experience that deserves some replay value. However, it is extremely short. It took me 1 day to beat, and sometimes felt like I was playing bite-sized portions of a game instead of actual levels. And when playing on Hardened or Veteran, it's impossible not to notice the infinitely respawning enemies that you encountered in World at War. This is 2010 guys, get with it. The campaign also does a poor job at preparing you for multiplayer. It encourages you to be over-the-top and the most epic soldier you can be. That translates over to multiplayer as every man for himself with everyone trying to get the most kills possible without working as a team whatsoever. I can honestly say, that Call of Duty felt like it lost it's soul in the multiplayer in this game. And speaking of multiplayer, at first it seems phenomenal. Well-crafted maps and some over-the-top weapons make for an enjoyable match. There's just 1 problem: All of the flaws! When you take off the smoke and mirrors, the experience is pretty piss-poor. Most of it is due to online lag and glithes and spawning issues. You'll run around a corner and get shot to death. Knifing only works if your right next to an enemy and sometimes, it doesn't even have to touch them! And spawnkills! So many freaking spawn kills! Plus there's terrible lag, you'll often get kicked out of matches due to hosts having bad connections, and when you run, it sounds like you're tripping over your own two feet! This Call of Duty game is truly a disappointment. The sad thing is that most players are just riding on the hype. It's the newest thing out right now, so that's what everybody's playing. Once MW3 hits stores, people are going to come back to this game and realize how bad it really is. If nothing else, play for the zombies, it's fantastic! This game may look awesome, but by the time you get to your third multiplayer match in a row, you'll be ready to shut your system off and play a better game. World at war was better than this, and that was in 2008. Disappointing Treyarch, very disappointing.