Fun maps that make you change your strategy.
Map by map, I think they addressed all the fire fight types out there. So depending on what your preferred load out is, you may or may not like some of the new maps. Here's a quick breakdown.
Hanger 18 -
Probably the most well accepted of the new multiplayer maps because it is the most accessible to all fire fight styles. You can stay indoors and use close range weapons, post up in many of the perches and snipe, and find yourself plenty of defensive and offensive choke points to use mid range weapons as well. Over all a good feel with acceptable spawn points that don't leave you far from any action but don't drop you into a quick death from behind either.
Hazard -
Probably the most sniper friendly map of the four. Starts out with multiple opportunities to fire from spawn to spawn across the interestingly open landscape. The center of the map is dominated by the snipers while you can use just about any load out down the wings of the map. You are not going to see much shotgun play on this map as most confrontations are mid to long range. (Maybe you can treat that as a challenge - I didn't fair so well - maybe you can!?) Definitely fun if you enjoy a good long range battle but can be challenging if you prefer SMG or any other close range battle.
Silo -
This can be a pretty frenetic map. There are choke points everywhere with sight lines coming from every direction around every corner. I really enjoy this map because I use spy plane which helps in identifying where the other team is spawning and help you by being a bit more prepared for which sight lines you are going to have to cover or avoid. Mid range weapons, assault rifles and LMG's seem to be the go to load out here for most players as that is the distance of most confrontations. I have seen a higher use of LMG's on this map, and a higher degree of success from them as well. You don't have to run far to find an engagement on this map, every corner is an opportunity.
Drive-in -
i heard they wanted this to be a more Nuketown like map. I don't see it. It feels much bigger than that and I have found the gameplay to be much slower. You would be foolish to use a sniper rifle on Nuketown (unless you are sick nasty, I am not) but you could definitely find success on Drive-in with one. That alone should tell you something about the size of this map. I was expecting a more Rust like feel with super aggressive gameplay and relatively quick game times. Not the case. Just an average map in my opinion with no real dominating features that offer interesting fire fights or change of scenery throughout the map. My least favorite but still playable.
Zombies -
I haven't really got into Shangra-la, or however you spell it. But I get a lot less of a creepy enclosed feel from this map than others prior to this one. There are A LOT of things to figure out on this map though so definitely worth playing.
Overall, it is a great addition to the COD maps and will make a smooth transition into the rotation of maps offered on Black Ops. No matter what maps usually come out for this series , they always offer that refreshing feeling that you are playing a new game for the first couple hours. Which is more than worth the $15 to me.
Pick'em up - you know you're going to anyway... ya bunch a noobs.