Call of duty: Black Ops Review.

User Rating: 5.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Call Of Duty Black Ops is a good game, but it was quite disappointing because everyone thought it was going to be amazing.

But once you play it for like weeks or something, it gets really boring.
I think it gets boring because there is not any challenge's, you get points and you need to buy your weapons and stuff "When you unlock them" which is very annoying.

So i wasn't very happy with the game, i prefer Call Of Duty: Modern Warafare 2 than Black Ops. Because in MW2 you unlock stuff and you get it straight away.

The black ops campaign was good, but the Multiplayer got boring after a while.
So i would rate this game
9/10 Graphics : Pretty good
7/10 Multiplayer: Could be better
9/10 Campaign : Good

Overall the game was alright but not as good as "MW2".
Almost everybody agree's that

So thats my review for Call of duty Black Ops.