Zombies is FUN. Only wish they would make it easier than trying to make it SO HARD.
Now for the new map Moon.CRAP! it is a lot more immersive than any other map. If you've ever seen the movie Aliens it feels like that AWESOME. But i can think of like only 5 guns i found on walls. Out of the like 50 rooms! so guns and ammo can be hard to come by. Same for the mystery box. But i love this map it has it's open spots and it's corner spots. Plus with 0 G you can escape zombies and fight them easier. They move slower and you can jump over them too! The graphics for the first 4 maps are improved and darker. And the moon had me shooting my gun so i could see from the barrel flash. All in this is alot of fun. Im a fan of zombies and cod multiplayer is getting old. But these new maps make this pack a sucess! It may be hard and in need of a difficulty option because some maps have zombies killing you on round 3 when they are sprinting. but it can still be fun because you have to TRY to SURVIVE. Enjoy Im still playing these maps