Spark Unlimited delivers, in every conceivable and imaginable way possible.

User Rating: 9.2 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
How many times have we seen World War II games fail miserably? Sometimes, games that do fail, hit the floor face first and then wonder what went wrong. When I heard Spark Unlimited was developing Finest Hour, I was a little skeptical. A PC game franchise on a console? Most of the time, these two mediums for games differ greatly in the type of gameplay one comes to expect from whichever they have a preference for. Noticeably, this game was a very good exception to the norm. The game takes you through Russia, North Africa, and Europe during 1942 and ending at 1945. Instead of using the conventional one character game, you travel from each area via six soldiers. All of the weapons used in the game are brilliant. From the detail of each one to the sound of each one firing to the way each one is held, it seems like a lot of time and effort was put into making this game historically accurate. The vehicles are also impressive. I felt like I was actually in an U.S. Sherman tank. More great detail and accuracy. This is definitely what games should look, sound, and feel like. AI players actually acted like they cared that they were getting shot at, which seemed to bring the game into perspective. Online multiplayer for the game is serious and at some times intimidating when playing 15 others. Sorry, Gamecube czars, this option is not available in your version. Finest Hour still looks nice, though, on the cube. Spend lots of time playing this game, and then spend more time with your friends. This game is definitely worth ever penny, and then some. Buy it for the single player, keep it for the multiplayer.