A Very Fun Game, and excellent introduction to the Call of Duty Series.
Call of Duty: Finest Hour, like the other games in the Call of Duty Series, helps change that. The main single player game is split into three distinct campagins: Russian, British, and American, each of which is told from the point of view of two to three different soldiers.
Each campaign covers a different aspect of the European Theater, each offering a wide variety of missions, weapons, and characters. The Russian Campaign deals primarily with the Soviet Counter attack during the Battle of Stalingrad, and is told from the perspective of a Soviet Solider, Sniper and Tank Commander. The British Campaign is set on the North Africa Front, and allows the gamer to take control of a British Commando, opperating with the famous Desert Rats and undertake a series of missions against the Afrika Korps. The American Campagin covers three areas, the first of these is the Battle of Achean, followed by the Battle of the Buldge and the final push into Germany itself.
Dispite it's strong points, Finest Hour suffers from it's fair share of flaws, the biggest of these is the repetiviness of it's gameplay, the German soldiers never really change in either appearence or stratagy. While other Axis troops, known to have participated in some of the battles featured in Finest Hour, including Italian and Vichy French forces, are not present or even mentoned during the game. However the game's most fatal flaw would have to be the unbalanced difficulty of it's levels, at some points the mission you are on is a cake walke, however other missions require multipule tries before they can be beaten.
Over all Finest Hour is a fairly decent game, and will serve as a nice introduction to the Call of Duty Series. The game over all will appeal to fans of CoD, World War II and History buffs, and of course fans of World War II theamed games.