Call of Duty Finest Hour is a average WW 2 shooter but it lacks few things that the other Call of Duty's had.

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
Call of Duty and the expansion pack were aw some games games. They were fun and more realistic. But a new company is doing Call of Duty games also and they give us Call Of Duty Finest Hour. Finest does some of the key things that the other Call of Duty's good different. For one thing it focuses on the American and Russian levels more than the British levels.
The British levels are the funnest levels but there are only four of them. The American and Russian level are ok but they lack some of the things that the Call of Duty's for the pc had. It is an average experience that fans of the Call of Duty games can afford to miss.Over all if you are a fan off WW 2 shooters than you should pass on this game, it really doesn't do much to improve the WW2 shooter games. You won't miss anything by not playing this so save your money.