An excellent FPS in the midst of it's PC counter-part. And does a very good job of carrying over to the console's.
User Rating: 9.4 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
This is the type of game where you can play it, set it down, come back and have the same level of fun, intensity and frustratingly funess that you had when you first played the game. COD: FH takes place during what other time, WW2, and it does a good job of bringing the conflict of WW2 to the console's like it did for it's PC counter-part. Gameplay, it's like basically a FPS, like any other game in the genre. It had its moments where the fire fights get really intense. And then you have the moments where the action is like halted because you're trying to sneak through an enemy enviroment or something. But it does a good job. It's no HL2, or a Halo 2, but it's gettin up there. Graphics are very amazing, with the intense explosions of the grenades, and the bullet's richochetin' off the walls, or you can hear the bullets piercing your body as you drop to the ground and wait for assistants. Audio, the sound is incredible, bullets flying every where, explosions, people yelling, just crazy. Value, it's a good game. Reviewer's Tilt, only problem i have with it is the very short campaign. But it kinda varies between which country you decide to play as.