Not a bad FPS, but there are better one's out there, keep the FPS'S for computer games.
The gameplay it self isn't bad at all. It's actually pretty fun. However more depth is needed for me. The guns are ok. Some of them have pretty bad recoil. So you'll end up wasting bullets on nothing but thin air. All in all, the gameplays ok.
The story is ok, it's based off of hitler's dream of taking over the world. Since hitler's gay and i don't like him, they story doesn't really bring me in either. The online aspect of the game is pretty good. There are matches like capture the flag, and the common death match. So if your gonna buy the game, your getting it for the online. With all honesty, the onlines not bad at all.
With all that said, call of duty is an alright game all together, the game does get repetetive at times, and even kind of bland. However, if you like fps, this game should give you some entertainment if not blow you away, although some of us that just appreciate the genre might just rent it or walk pass it. The call of duty's for the pc and the xbox 360 look quite incredible, and i would love to try them, nevertheless, this game just stands out to fans of fps.