An underrated PS2 Classic.
Finest Hour opens up with the player taking control of a Russian grunt heading for Stalingrad, where the historical fight where the Russians knocked back the Nazi's on their butts took place. As you make it ashore you get to see the retardation that was the Russian army, as they run out of rifles to give to their troops. Instead you pick one from a fallen "Comrade". (Russian Troop Morale was very high as you can see.) Anyways, as you dash snipers and mortars and make your way to a machine gun, you'll find that the game can be a bit of a rush. The musical score also really deepens the experiance. As it kicks in high gear, you look over a wall to see the raging battle taking place as the music heightens to its fullest point. What you see is really amazing.
Front Lines really does a good job with graphics here on PS2. The game just looks very impressive on PS2, and even better than some other top PS2 titles like GTA and Battlefront II. The sound is alright too, the voice acting is very nice. However, like the reviewer said, some gun sounds do sound a bit muted.
Finest Hout also comes with an Online Multiplayer mode which is actually rather good. While you have a rather weak weapon selection at the start, exploring the well detailed maps will give way to hidden weapons like BARs and Rocket Launchers. The online play is also VERY smooth, much better than others like the Battlefronts.
WIth every game there are some minor complaints. Some death animations feel overexaggerated and just rather fake when compared to the game's realistic settings. Other deaths seem spot on. The game has no sound adjustments, so if you want the music and sounds to play louder you'll have to turn up your TV's volume. The fact you can't have Music over SOund or Vice Versa is the problem. The starter weapons in Multiplayer are rather lame and too few. The real weapons though are hard to find. Additionally, there is no Splitscreen mode, which means if you want to kill other people, you gotta get a Netwrok Adapter.
Still, Call of Duty Frontlines is a war epic that is still really fun to play, and I say if you can find a good copy you should get it. This really is a PS2 classic.