This game was good and was better than i thought and was very intresting also was suprised that is actully kinda of hard
User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
THIS GAME WAS GREAT AND HAS A VERY GOOD STORYLINE AND JUST GETS BETTER if your keep playing.Also the maps in this game are very cool and never gets boring .My favorite gun in this game is the m-1 garand also my favorite vechile was the german panzer.The game play controls were very easy to figure out and that way you do not have to waste time looking in the stupid manuel.I would tell you to buy this game used and if you have a ps2 buy it for that system.Last the multi-player is great and is very fun(never tried it).Also the pros and cons.pros the game has a great storyline,cool guns,awsome veichles,and good graphics.cons not long enough and last the germans are to easy to kill.Last this game is awsome and i would totally recommend it to every one who has a ps2 system.Last never buy this game for the xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!