Great game and a MUST have if you are a WWII shooter fan.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
The first in the Call of Duty series originally PC only has made the jump to consoles. And not in too bad of fashion. The single player campaign puts you in control of both the Russian and US troops during the impressionable era of WWII. Now even though there is not really a difference between the two nations, you still feel like you are playing as a Brit or a Louisville Slugger because of the great voice acting throughout the game. The game also doesn't let you get too lost on what your objectives are in either mission. Now there are some times you can get a little confused on where you need to go or even where your squad is but the A.I. will quickly let you know. The only downside to the single player campaign is that it is way too short. Before you know it you are in Germany and its over. But with great graphics and gameplay mechanics, as well as smart A.I. the game certainly is replayable especially on the multiple difficulty settings.

Now for the best of the game in my opinion. The mulitplayer in Call of Duty Finest Hour is so, dare I say, perfect that its really just a blast to keep playing and hard to turn off. Once you have got to the point where you have the control mechanics for each weapon and know how each of them work most effectively, you will be amazed at how easy but fun it is to frag random people you don't even know. Now there is a couple of downsides to the multiplayer. First, there is no sort of stat tracking which would have put this game over the top for me. Also, there are no friends list/buddy list that some games of its time already had i.e. Delta Force Black Hawk Down and SOCCOM, but you really don't need it that badly if you have a USB headset.

All in all Call of Duty Finest Hour for PS2 is a solid WWII shooter that I even still play today. Its solid action gameplay and addictive multiplayer is what gives this title 4/5 or a 9/10 for me.

You can even look for me online for this game my name is N.A.P.o.M.