Finest Hour has a fun, lengthy and varied campaign that will keep you entertained, but some issues get in the way.
There is a story in Finest Hour,but it's not in-depth at all.You play as a character for a mission or two,and then go to a different character.This may sound good,but it makes it hard to care about any of the characters,as you don't get much of a chance to learn about them.
Finest Hour consists of three separate campaigns.They are told through three different perspectives;the Russian,British and American armies.This makes for good variety in areas,and plenty of memorable moments.The mission types aren't particularly original,but they're still pretty fun for the most part.You get on-foot missions,tank missions,sniping missions,and etc.I'm not particularly fond of tank missions.I just don't find driving a tank very fun.There's lots of different weapons to use,and several grenade types as well,including sticky grenades.You get weapons like the MP40,Thompson,M1 Garand,and more.There are some issues,however.Perhaps the biggest issue is the checkpoint system.You usually only get 1 checkpoint per mission,and sometimes you don't get any.This isn't too bad in the first two campaigns,but the third campaign can be pretty frustrating,due to the game getting a big difficulty bump.Another issue is throwing grenades.When you throw them,they don't seem to be affected by gravity.They can be useful,but it's too easy to blow yourself up.The AI on the enemies is pretty good for the most part.They take cover,and are fairly accurate(sometimes too accurate).Your teammates can be useful,but will occasionally get in the way while you're shooting or throwing a grenade. The shooting is pretty fun,and the campaign is fairly lengthy at over 10 hours long.There's also three different difficulties.There is multiplayer,but I don't have online.The campaign is fairly sold though.
The graphics are pretty good.The animations are nice and realistic looking.Weapons are highly detailed,and animations for reloading are nicely done.Environments are varied and for the most part,look pretty good.Explosions look nice,and menus are attractive.The frame rate will occasionally chop up though.Overall,Finest Hour offers pleasant and satisfying graphics.
The sound is very well done.The voice acting is excellent,as you would expect from a World War II shooter.Weapons sound good,although not as good as other shooters.The music is good,but not particularly memorable.Still,it helps the game feel epic.I think people will be satisfied with Finest Hour's sound.
There is a decent amount of replay value.The campaign is over 10 hours long with three difficulties which make a difference on how much health you can carry,amount of damage you take,and etc.There is multiplayer,but again,I have no online so I will just be rating on single player.
Story:There are plenty of different characters,but you never get a chance to care about them,or like them.What's hear is well told,but you probably won't care. 5/10
Gameplay:The shooting is fun,and the weapons feel solid.Some issues bring it down,like the checkpoint system.The AI is pretty solid though. 8/10
Graphics:Detailed weapon models,and realistic,attractive animations.Varied environments with good detail.Frame rate occasionally slows down. 8.5/10
Sound:Great voice acting,and weapons sound good and punchy.Music is good too,though probably not memorable. 8.5/10
Value:A 10 hour or so campaign with three difficulties.You'll probably only play through it twice,but may not make it through on hard,as it gets frustratingly tough on the third campaign. 7/10
Finest Hour is a solid first person shooter.It's well worth playing,particularly if you love Call of Duty.A few issues hurt it some,but you'll keep playing as its shooting is solid and fun.The AI is pretty good too overall.It's not as good as other Call of Duty's,like Big Red One,but you should still play it.It's a solid shooter with some issues.