Not as good as we expected. Still, it's a decent game.
User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour XBOX
Call of Duty Finest Hour. The console verson of a great PC game. However, if you purchase this game expecting the same great experence from the PC version, you may be disapointed. One thing that remains intact is the sound. You will still hear lots of gun fire, increasing the intensity. The graphics are decent. Character models are well done, and the evrionments are good. Not ugly, yet not great. In my opinion, the graphics are around the same level as Medal of Honor Frontline. Much like the PC version, the single player is sort. Some missions are similiar, like the beach run and tank missions. Depending on skill, you may complete the game in 10 hours. After that you can play the multiplayer. Online for Xbox and PS2. It has the standard Deathmatch and capture the flag and 8- maps. Its well done, theirs just not enough to do. With few modes and maps, it won't last you for long. If you buy this, lower your expections.