When Black Ops 2 was released last year. We were told we were getting a revamped, fresh take on Call of Duty. They had new ideas for how you would create your classes. You'd have more options, more choices, and players would truly be different based on each players class choices. Instead, we got a big pile of steaming garbage. Guns all seemed the same. Assault rifles were useless and a 75 year old grandmother could learn how to quick scope it was so easy. While their was more choices offered. Those choices were still limited in some capacity. Overpriced headsets were rendered useless by the fact that even with awareness on footsteps were not very loud. And you got shot in the back more times in that game then any other.
Now enter Call of Duty Ghosts. You can select your own character with a number of different options to choose from. You have more options and choices when selecting your classes then ever before. Guns have some diversity and equal benefits based on a personal choice. Maps are actually fun and enjoyable.
Is it the same old COD? Sure, it still has the same feel as every other COD game you've played. But they're not looking to reinvent the wheel here. And if it's not broke, then don't fix it. It's about making some small changes and offering playing a few more options and choices without taking away from the original multiplayer experience that made this franchise so successful. And that's what Ghosts has been able to do.