This game was made by Infinity Ward so of course it is good. In this review I am going to introduce the game in three parts.
- Maps
The maps in this game are off and on. Some maps are fun to play at, but some seem kind of bland. There is a fair share of map themes such as snow maps, indoor/outdoor maps, and night time maps. It also introduced some new map types like only indoors and some that are entirely destroyed. All of the maps are good for rushing, defending, and sniping. I'd say that the maps in this game are okay.
- Guns
Call of Duty Ghosts wanted to make it more difficult to get things that are usually easy. Such as one shot kills. They madly decreased the damage of weapons and focused more on the create a class system. The sniping usually takes two consecutive hits below the waist. Sometimes even if you hit the enemy in the upper body, (waist to neck) it still takes two hits, which ruins the concept of sniping. The SMGs are way underpowered, taking about 4 consecutive hits to the upper body. They have great fire rate and accuracy though. They are usually good if you are expecting enemies, or covering a certain close range spot. The assault rifles are very good. They have range and usually take three hits to the lower body. I'm not gonna talk about LMGs because they are basically the same thing as SMGs except less accurate. I am however gonna talk about shotguns. The shotguns are very good from close range but can't even get a hitmarker from long range. I'm gonna talk about the knifing concept. The knifing is much better than the pathetic slice. Now it is meatier and you can't take advantage of the quick swipe. You grab the enemy, then stab him and throw him down which takes about 3.5 seconds. Now it makes it a risk to knife. The bottom line is this game kind of failed by trying to make the guns weaker.
- Game modes
There are multiple gameplay modes such as campaign, multiplayer and extinction. I am gonna summarize them quickly. The multiplayer is fun and addicting but they added some crappy game modes and took away some fun ones. The campaign seems repetitive and un-creative. The extinction mode is instead of zombie mode and totally beats zombies. It is better than the extremeley repetitive zombie mode.
COD Ghosts is an average game that screwed a couple things up. Overall it is fun.