Go on now, git reeeeeading.
Multiplayer - Servers appear to be pretty cheap, I find myself dying behind walls and its near useless to use maneuvers to gain the upper hand(duck, dodge, dive, dip, and dodge). Even on normal mode I find myself dying in a flash, and 1/2 the team is running around with snipers and doing the old and incredibly tiresome quick-scope(tap the button to aim down the sight "ADS" and fire a round). Killstreaks become a horrible pain, Helicopters roll and are fly around maneuvering at quick speeds, dogs come out of nowhere and maul you even if you shot them 6-8 times in the face... they just lunge from 12 feet away and 1 shot you(its like another player in the game that is running around and knows where you are and knifes you from even further away).
The game is chaos when it comes to accuracy, range, power, stability, fire rates(balance). You can put 8 rounds with an assault rifle in the chest of what should be your victim, and they still turn around while flinching from all the fire and simply quick scope you dead, and done so with such confidence they walk out into the fire to do it. Fire fights, same thing basicly as you unload many rounds, someone can simply spray and pray and drop you with any bullet that happens to find it way to your head(we are talking about normal mode btw, where it use to take a few rounds to the head, not just 1). Aim-assist is a pest, that that end up flinging your cross hair away(never found a way to turn it off).
I've played plenty of CoD games, and this would be the worse one, more so then the Black ops titles. I'm not seeing any fixes, improvements, its got bigger maps with most rooms/areas with 3+ directions(yes, you will find yourself normally shot in the back or the sides).I'm just seeing even more crazy and random crap put in as if to make fire fights that can swing to any player. The series is frustrating now, there is no balance its just some sort of RNG hell, its a hyper active arcade shooting mess where you just find what is the cheapest thing and exploits in the game and use that.
I have played other CoD games, I really enjoyed MW2 and MW3 i never owned but seemd i enjoyed that, but Ghost is very unplayable for me. I've played so many FPS games, and CoD: Ghost is one of the biggest messes i've played, almost near to that of "Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City" which got a 4/10 from GS.(Ghost would be if it was plagued as horrible as RE:ORC)
Extinction - Is interesting and kind of fun, but its got this kind of class type things (Damage, Tank, Support, healer) roles you can play, regardless the next 4 things you decide to take into battle is up to you. You put points into what you picked like: "Stun ammo" "Turret" "Shield" stuff like that and improve them. Eventually the fights get pretty crazy with members and yourself having to drop all sorts of support buffs, ammo, artillery etc, 4/5 of the time your fighting the horde and 1/5 of the time your putting stuff out and picking stuff up and reloading(as some sort of estimate), mainly the thing to get is that its just a fire fight vs hordes with people just dropping ammo from thin air and other things with cash earned by killing the horde. I feel like they could have done things a lot better in this mode, and it feels kind of 1/2 assed.
I can't believe this game got a 8/10 from GS, its nowhere near that close of deserving that score. How this game got scored to what other pretty great games have and around the score that BF4 got, is just lost on me. I find BF4 fairly boring.. so i'm no fan boy and I really dislike EA.
BF4 has far superior balance to gun play, maps, modes, gameplay and that did BF4 no justice. I find BF4 boring cause its basicly the same thing every match. Also, i need some buddys to make BF4 more interesting but none are playing it *sad face*.
Only reason i bought Ghosts was to play extinction mostly and perhaps i could have fun with it like i have with the Modern Warfare series, but its Extinction mode is left feeling small and not really thought through. Its HORRIBLE multiplayer will have me throwing the game for trade at my local EB store shortly for future games. I also relied on GS's score.. again and it failed me horribly, its like the reviews are more 1/2 assed then the games themselves.