This is probably the worst COD I have ever played. There are so many bad things about it:
1) The maps are way too big and there are way too many places where players can camp. I'm not sure if it was Infinity Wards intentions, but they basically made the game catered for campers. The days of running and gunning seem to be over. This game should be renamed to COD Hide and Seek instead.
2) The kill streaks are crap. The dog kill streak rewards is ridiculous. You need to shoot the dog with more than 6 bullets before it dies. Also, the maniac is the stupidest kill streak I have ever seen. You are basically a heavy armored dude with a knife that can run at a super fast speeds. It literally takes 4 guys to take a maniac down. When you see a maniac you don't even want to engage him because you know he can just turn around and run & stab you with ease.
3) It seems that guns are way overpowered. It only takes around 3 bullets to kill someone. When you find out that someone is shooting you, it's too late to react. Hence, it's an advantage for campers to just wait and take out people who are searching for them. Shotguns also are not fun because the maps are way to be big for it to be useful. Most people just use assault rifles.
4) The hit detection in this game is crap. Snipers would shoot a few feet next to your head and it registers as a shot on you.
5) They said that they took out quick scoping, however this is not the case. I still see people with sniper rifles quick scoping.
6) The squad points took the fun in leveling up your soldier away. After you gain enough points you can basically buy all that you need before you reach level 60. You can get everything around level 25.
7) This game is all about Kill/Death ratios. No one really plays the objective and there is good reason for this. Before when you did something towards the objective, such as capturing a flag with other people, you would get a point towards your kill streak. In Ghosts, only the first person who caps the flag gets the point towards their kill streak, There is no incentive for others to jump on the flag and risk their life and to reset their kill streaks.
This is probably the last COD game that I ever buy. I think the COD dynasty has finally fallen. We can look forward to games such as Titanfall to replace this dying, never ever changing, franchise. That day will be a great day for all gamers as it will be a breath of fresh air.