I'm a sucker for a fresh set of maps in the COD franchise. That's essentially what they charge us $60-$120 for: a re-worked system with a fresh set of maps. Who's doing the single player campaigns these days? And is the Extinction mode really worthwhile? Not for me. I'm marginally impressed with the fact that they've given us a squad-based approach to bot-play. It's actually kind of fun to engage with that when you don't want to hear an array of 14-year-olds crying "NOOB!" and "HACK!" all the time. It remains to be seen how far I'll go with squads...but at this point it's interesting and appreciated.
What's not appreciated is the how you unlock patches. I hope Activision fires the numbskull that said "Hey, let's just allow them to unlock a few patches at a time for a week. Then we'll let them unlock another set the following week." Is there any good reason to approach unlocks this way? Is there something wrong with letting us unlock things as we go? It's a ludicrous concept at best.
Otherwise, yeah...I think this should probably be the last COD game they release for a while unless they want to burn their cash cow down to the ground. I think it's time they tried something else...another game with another angle. Then come back to COD in a few years and reboot it.
======= EDITED 1/20/2014 =======
Level of frustration is high with the servers. How can there be thousands of players online and yet no games to join...for 20 minutes? NOTE TO ACTIVISION: If you want people to drop your game like a bad habit, make them wait in line for online gameplay. That'll do the trick.