# I will not bother reviewing the campaign. A five hour block of content should not have a huge reflection on the game, since, most people will NEVER play through it again. Now, onto the multiplayer.
I really wish that the team of Call of Duty developers would pay attention to what they put in the game BEFORE it is released. As with Advanced Warfare, there is clearly ONE single gun that out performs everything else, available at an early level and used by over 90 percent of online players. That gun my friends is the NV4 assault rifle. A four shot kill ANYWHERE on the character from medium range, from a full auto, high accuracy, high rate of fire, easy hip firing gun is dumb. Lets throw in a variant which gives it infinite damage range with even MORE accuracy (NV4 Flatline) and you have a four shot kill with NO RECOIL from across the map....literally. They did this with the BAL 27 in Advanced Warfare. They updated that gun four times and STILL couldn't get it right.
Also, the first thing you will notice when coming into multiplayer is the pay to play system has returned. Buying supply drops is MUCH faster than earning them. You earn "keys" each match toward buying new ones. The issue is the rare ones cost 30 keys and you get on average 2 keys a match if you do well. There are hundreds of youtube videos of kids buying three, four and even five hundred dollars in supply drops looking for the NV4 Flatline. Once they have it, they are seriously un-killable unless you shoot them in the back. It is so annoying to see just one gun used in online play, yet, the developers do NOTHING about it. I have the NV4 Fallout, since I am prestige three. After a few games of 1 to 1 KD ratios or the occasional .7 butt kicking I receive, I switch, and always....ALWAYS break 30 (core TDM) with it without the help of killstreaks. It may seem like I am going on about it, but it is THAT bad. EVERY person you see is using an NV4 variant. Why program any other gun to be in the game when the BASE gun kills in 3 hits close....anywhere....4 at medium, and 5 at any range, any placement? I use the type 2 a lot, and had a 9 shot kill cam for game at medium range. NINE shots? You see why the NV4 is so broken? The type 2 is labeled an assault rifle....just like the NV4. How do I know this? The kill cams tell you how many hits were made and who did it. Even the final killcams do. They should have left that out. Then people wouldn't catch on to the horrific OP NV4 so fast.
Next. Leveling up. Within a month, people have already maxed out the 220 level cap of zombies. The prestige 10 of multiplayer. What I hate is, they have already ADDED levels to side missions of mission teams. You can play as a faction.....wonder where they got that idea.....(Titanfall)....and level them up for guns. Problem is I am prestige 3 and only have one maxed out at 50. It makes me so mad because casual gamers don't stand a chance, and will NOT play this game for more than ten minutes. The leveling up process is just TOO long. 220 levels in zombies? Are you kidding me? Add to that there is only ONE map to play? Then, they don't even tell you what to do! You have to figure it out on your own. There is no way to win on your own.....period....so what is the point? I find the zombies mode more enjoyable to play since....not every zombie is carrying an NV4. BUT....you can buy the NV4 in zombies mode. Do it. Once upgraded via the pack a punch, and a little bit of soul snatching through the arcane attachment, it drops even brutes (mini bosses) in about twenty shots. Did I mention after upgrading, it gets a sixty....yes....sixty round mag, insane fire rate, and no recoil? Yeah. Why buy any other gun in zombies?
Then there is customization. The customization for character models sucks! You get robots with helmets. There is a girl/guy option, but only for voice? WTH is this? So I am surprised no female gamers are upset with that. Custom emblems are gone. Not available at this time.....is the message I get. Hmm. Seems they are releasing that ability later on, just like how they JUST NOW added leaderboards last week.....
The only reason I gave the game a four is the Modern Warfare remaster is awesome. By itself, the remaster would get a solid nine. My only complaint is the leveling up process. You earn points per match to get supply drops now, which can earn you camos and things. Problem is you get almost one point per game. It takes thirty points to get one rare supply drop. So again, they are betting that you will just spend the money to open them earlier. Not everyone has DAYS to play the game just to get three or four supply drops.
What would I recommend? STOP making Call of Duty games with just ONE gun to use! I feel like I am playing Wolfenstein 3D when I find the gatlin gun! Why would you use anything else? The NV4 is WAAAYYYY over powered and WAYYYY overused. Don't believe me? Just turn on your XBOX and watch youtube of montages of Infinite Warfare. It is always people using the NV4 fallout. They say it is for the nukes, but the fact it comes with reduced recoil.....hmmm....so you literally add another grip, and the accuracy goes over a hundred. ROFL. Sure....I'm sure that is the ONLY reason why you are using it. Nevermind the ZERO recoil. My best game so far, I went 57 and 2 using the NV4 BASE GUN with no attachments, no perks, lethals, tacticals, kill streaks and not even a sight. Did I mention that was in CORE TEAM DEATHMATCH? I did it to prove a point to friends in the game who kept saying the NV4 doesn't need a nerf. I just wish they would buff the other guns to bring it up to the NV4s level. I do not like nerfs, but the NV4 needs one. Whichever....but it has to be done. It's worse than the BAL27. It's worse than the pre patch ASM1. It's worse than ANY other gun in COD history. How they can release this game with that gun in the game.....insane. That's why your game sucks. I've had it a month and I am already bored. Tired of running around with the NV4 all the time just to get a decent amount of kills for keys to open supply drops. At this point, I don't know what I am looking for out of the drops! I already have the best gun, so there is no further reason to play the game except for calling cards and camos.