I know graphics and mulitplayer are the yardsticks by which any game is measured these days,at least to the masses. This game has that. The one thing I always look at with games especially shooters is the single player side,and Its just not so great. Their is still no form of cover system,no custom loadouts,Im not sure what the hell the story was about,the levels are pretty linear and your "squad" is really useless. Their are not many games though that give you squadmates that are of real assistance. They're good for a few kills but half the time your squad is somewhere while you seem to be neck deep in the fire fight. Theirs definetly a frantic feel in fire fights because your screen gets covered in blood as the majority of enemies open up on you and not your squad,it also dosent help that you have to kill all of them cause again your squad takes the A-team approch,where they just shoot and dont really do any damage. That is really my biggest complaint with this game, its nowhere near as awful as killzone was cause you dont have to revive them,but when you expect just a bit of assistance and its not there its frustrating. like to watch an enemy run past your mate and just open up on you while he sits there. I also dont get why these elite soldiers can only sprint for about 20 seconds before they need a breather. Kinda ruins the fantasy when your taking tank fire and you cant run anymore cause your "winded" Its much like the last modern warfare except sometimes it just seems stale.
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Casual gamers will love this game, mostly because it requires no skill and there are a ton of gimmicks to keep them amused. But hardcore gamers as well as die hard fans of the first Modern Warfare will most likely despis... Read Full Review
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