Don't get me wrong, the single player had amazing gameplay but was the game worth it after all the hype?
Multiplayer, the big fuss about this game, isn't as good as you all say. Most of the people that say it's good are going to like it for about a week then say that the original is better. Don't get me wrong the online is good but it's definitely not as good as Modern Warfare 1. The maps are way to big. The smallest map on Modern Warfare 2 is the same size as the biggest map in Modern Warfare 1. Also the maps are basically designed for campers and cheapos. So, if you don't like camping the game's multiplayer is terrible but if you're a camper, you will love Modern Warfare 2 as opposed to Modern Warfare 1. The perks and titles and new things in the multiplayer are all nice additions but they ruin the simplicity of a first person online shooter. They made it all to complex and un-necessary compared to the first game. Also the fact that you cannot be in XBL party chat when you play some game type (ie. search and destroy) ruins the sociability of the game.
Special Ops can get very boring, very quickly. It's a great form of quick entertainment that can only be played with ONE other person or friend.
There is no split-screen co-op campaign, only on special ops. Having no split-screen co-op is a big let down to those of you who only have one xbox and that have siblings or good friends that want to play along with you.
Graphics are alright but i feel like they could've been better.
Overall the game deserves an 8. The single player is the best part of this game but it is too short for comfort. It can be beat in all of 5 hours if you really wanted too but it averages around 5hours and 40mins for a single completion. So for the not so good and annoyingly different multiplayer than Modern Warfare 1 but way better campaign the game is good but definitely not game of the year worthy. Plenty of games out there are better and can keep you entertained with the single player WAY longer and still have an amazing/fun online game. So all the hype for this game wasn't worth it, they made it look way better than it actually is.