Buy paint watch it dry just don't get this

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
I was extremely excited when i heard IW announce this game. I did not care much for dedicated servers, no mods were kind of disappointing because i burned hours on cod 4 zombie mod but not a huge deal. Then i heard its 60 dollars and i said ok well that means its gonna be a damn good game. The opposite is true, i picked up the game from gamespot and the first thing i do is play multiplayer. I noticed it was on steam and used VAC, i remember my days with counter strike and how vac doesn't do anything. One of my friends for counter strike said for steam games you can go into the folders and they all have a material folder where you can take the material and alter it so you can see through walls. Well i said i shouldn't be afraid of hackers, IW said dedicated servers means no cheaters at all. First game i join i noticed i was getting killed a lot. This guy in a building was shooting down with a Famas just destroying me, and no matter what i couldn't kill him. I tried to sneak behind him but he just snapped back and got a headshot. I soon realized he was hacking because of his 37-0 kdr.
So i tried single player which is just boring, its very hollywood cliche. Too predictable, and just too short i beat it in 6 hours, so i spent 60 dollars for 6 hours worth of gameplay. 10 dollars for 1 hour of gameplay which i didn't even enjoy. on the other hand you have the orange box where i spent easily 400 hours on, 300 hours alone on team fortress 2 and i enjoyed it.
60 dollars for this game just simply isn't worth it maybe when its 6 dollars it might be but until then just wait for battlefield bad company 2 to get your FPS fix.

by the way if you find it difficult to not buy this game i suggest you take your 60 dollars and throw it off a bridge and watch it float away. its a better way to spend your money