Better then a Michael Bay action movie

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
After all the hype around it, I finally got my hands on "Modern Warfare 2".
The game basically follows the same "recipe" as its precedessor,and it actually follows the story,with two of of the lead characters in it,too.

If you are used to first person shooters,dont play it on "recruit" ,it will be pretty easy most of the time and you will be dont with it in 4 and a half hours.
Either way,the campaign is short,intense and covers a lot of ground,just like the first Modern W. game.

The graphics engine must have been redone a bit: it looks better and runs better. Yes,you heard me right. And thats an admireable aspect. But even on low settings the visuals cant let you down too much.

The gameplay is close to perfection,there arent any technical bugs that ive noticed,its an immersive and fun experience fighting not so dumb enemies. One of the most enjoyable things are the large variety of weapons,its hard to stick with your initial weapons,when there are so many new toys around. Some new gadget are also interesting,like a rocket that u guide from a laptop,at times.
Ocasionally,you have something i call "eye candy" missions,like the one with the snowmobiles. My personal favorite is one when you are overwhelmed by the hostiles and need to run on rooftops in a "Mirrors Edge"-style.

The story is far-fetched,allmost ,but only allmost science-fiction. Its like a good season of "24". It really entertained me,there were no dull moments.

I cant say anything about the multiplayer,I dont do that. If I want to have fun with friends,i rather just play pool with them in real life.

..overall,"Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2" is a rock solid sequel that lives up to the fans expectations but will surely disappoint the ones who didnt like the first one.