Well not much to add but what were they thinking?
User Rating: 6 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
You'd think in this day and age corporations and people would have realized that greed leads to failure eventually even if you make bank in the short term. This felt like more of the same without a third of the features. In any modern combat game the lean function is a given and I might add is built into the Epic game engine so there is no excuse for not adding it. The complete lack of options just goes to show that they do not consider the pc gamer to be viable anymore which is a shame since we created this whole thing not consoles. I'm not dissing consoles but FPS's have always been much more enjoyable with a mouse and keyboard. Then there's the ridiculous price for 5 hours singleplayer and a broken multiplayer. I'm not sure who's really responsible for these decisions the publisher or the developer but shame on you. I'm glad I didn't buy this game and instead played it at a friends house. I will wait for something else and not waste my hard earned money.