I have such mixed feelings on this game, I like many things and I abhor alot others

User Rating: 4.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
Contains Spoilers

Single Player
I bought this game on amazon and received a 20$ off coupon towards a future game purchase so in my mind i got this game for 40$. For 40$ i got a terrible game. I have such mixed feelings on this game, I like many things and I abhor alot others. The action in the single player campaign was just SO over the top I could hardly stand it. It felt like they were trying to make an action movie more so then an action game. How the hell could the bring Price back when you see a medic take his pulse at the end of the first game and he is clearly dead. WTF is going when Price launches the missile, was it launched at DC and why the hell was that? WTF is up with Shepard killing dudes. The plot twists are so outrageous it was comical, frustrating and sad.
It did have decent graphics, but I have seen better in year old games, same with sound, in summary it was mediocre at best. Nothing really improved upon.

First off the lack of dedicated servers is just downright appalling, the whole reason for me and a lot of other gamers to get the PC version is because you can use a mouse and keyboard, and therefore have greater tactical sensitivity. But without dedicated servers the game is so laggy it serves little purpose to be so accurate with your shots. For example, yesterday night, I was playing a TDM and was sniping a guy coming out of some smoke; I shot several times as he was running toward me and all of the sudden he knifes me. When I look at the kill cam I never shot and he literally skipped forward 10 yards, which is unacceptable.
The upgrades/perks and all the other things are great and well needed, but let me ask you this, who needs to hold their breath longer and have increased hip fire? Who the fu*k thought that one up needs to be fired, seriously. Its things like this that really serve no purpose and frustrate the sh*t out of me.

This feature is quite a blast and is one of the few regions of the game that is actually fun, there is nothing like being in an AC130 while your partner is on the ground. You feel a sense of need and also a sense of urgency when your partner is down. Some of the missions are a little wonky and purposefully placed in there to make it absurdly difficult to beat on Veteran difficulty. Like killing Juggernauts with melee weapons.

In summary:
Graphics: 6/10
Main Story: 3/10
Competitive: 2/10
Coop: 7/10
Replay: 3/10

21/50 = 4.2