A great campaign with a awesome story that will leave you dying for more.
Story- Great, thats really all I can say without spoiling anything, this game has an amazing campaign story and infinity ward did not let me down in that department. Lots of twists,spins, action, and drama will leave you on the edge of your seat while playing this game and you will beg for more since the campaign is even shorter then cod4 on veteran. I mean I beat the game in like 6 hours.
Gameplay- Again does not disappoint me, the gameplay is just as smooth as Cod4's was but with ofcourse added material such as attachments for guns and well duh new guns :P. I find the game sadly to easy, I played and beat Cod4 on veteran my first try and now that game could be a real pain inthe lower back side area. Now I doubt the reason I find MW2 so easy is because im amazing at it, because I doubt im amazing at it >_> but I really had no trouble on any missions in this game unless you count the Spec Ops mode but I found that easy as well. Another thing that saddens me is the AI has now became "BS smart" and by that I mean for anyone who played Cod Waw you know how the enemy AI could just automaticly spot you a million miles away, well in this game you could be all sneaky and stealthy like a ninja doing your ninja thing and you might look out a window somewhere and boom an enemy will start to lay every bullet in his clip on you before you can even see where that enemy may be, or an enemy that has his back turned might just random hoister his gun, and then turn around with great gusto and fire at you.
Graphics- Again does not disappoint me, the graphics have not changed but I still find them great looking and feel there really is no need to change them or enhance them this time around. Sure things do not look as great up close and some things in the distance will look fuzzy but I think you can live with it lol.
Bottom line I loved MW2 I think its a great game but a game that has a campign this short does nto deserve anything higher then an 8.5, im just a big ol strickler and im putting down a nice soild 8/10 since I am so sick of devs putting more thought into the online aspect of a game and not as much love into the actually game (campaign). Also if game reviewers keep giving MW games 9's or higher, infinity wards lower front area is going to grow even bigger and before you know it there will be no campaign in MW games and it will all be about the online aspect and ima fire lazers at people when that happends >:I.