Modern Warfare 2 an addictive and deeply satisfying experience that everyone who likes First Person Shooters must play.
Now to the game play. If you've ever played the first one you know how the campaign works. You start out with an objective and you must get a certain place, destroy something, protect something, etc. That stands true in the second one but does it without just repeated it over and over again. You often switch off between main characters, "Roach" and "Ramirez" are the two you switch off and on between throughout the game (They aren't the only ones you play as though, but I will keep it to myself because of spoilers).
The campaign is able to push a story along roughly which is hard to do well in a FPS. [SPOILER] The basic plot is a Russian Terrorist, Macharov, causes induces a war between Russia and the U.S. [SPOILER ends]
No dramatic changed have been made to the control scheme but little ones that help give the game its own identity.
Multiplayer: When I first played a match I was surprised at how it seemed like all of the skills from the old one was still there and I was just picked up where I left off which is nice considering I'm one of those people who doesn't like to start from the very beginning.
Guns, Perks, Killstreaks, etc.: There is a whole new assortment of these in the multiplayer part and they all feel different from the original. Many of the original guns have been dropped, M14, P90, 50CAL, Mini Uzi, Desert Eagle, M16, are most of the returning weapons (I left a few out due to my bad memory). They have revamped the perk, killstreak, and second weapon categories. Many of the same perks are back but there name might be changed and the effects slightly changed, nothing drastic though. There are around 10 or so new killstreak awards in which you unlock through leveling up. You can have awards selected ranging from 3 kills to 25 kills. (2-24 Using a certain perk) They have also added a Deathstreak award in which if you a certain amount of times in a row without any kills you get a special little bonus like Copy Cat, Pain Killer, Martyrdom, etc. For example if you die 3 times in a row with Pain Killer selected you get a 10 second extra heath bonus when you spawn.
I have been unable to deeply into the Special Ops part of the game where you and a friend can go through special missions designed for cooperative play. From what I've done if you and a good buddy sit down and play this you won't be disappointed.
Overall the game surpasses the original in ways that I never could have thought of and it makes Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 an addictive and deeply satisfying experience that everyone who likes First Person Shooters much play. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 an addictive and deeply satisfying experience that everyone who likes First Person Shooters must play.