History is written by the victor... A review for the single-player..... MIND BLOWING!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
A highly anticipated game.... as soon as it was released, i checked the ratings, reviews and critics and i was HUGELY dissappointed.... So i read about how this game is short and lacks of dedicated servers, the 32-player lack and the lot of lag it has in multiplayer!
Sure i agree, the pc version is a total RIP-OFF at this price...

But i got it anyway.... because i didn't mind the price and i don't play games for their multiplayer (although this should be the strong point of this game).

In my opinion this game should have 2 reviews, a 1.0 for the multiplayer and price, and a 9.0 for the singleplayer (-1.0 only because its too short)...

Sure i finished this games campaign in just 6 or 7 hours (maybe less), but it was just AMAZING!!!! It was even better than the first one!!! The thrills, the surprises, the movie-like presentation and the level of detail are awesome!!! The graphics are what you would expect (excellent) and the sound is even better. Whats really great though is the story and how it unfolds! The story has a lot of twists and turns and its presentation sucks you in!!! Especially in the last couple of hours you will find yourself jaw-dropping A LOT!!!

All-in-all a mind-blowing ride!!!!

I guess i feel like this because i kind of knew what i was getting before i bought it!

...And if you want an AWESOME 6-hour movie which you can play, then this is the game for you!